Lake of Consciousness

Marianne > Ma Chetan Evina is a spiritual being on the path of personal & spiritual transformation and  Feminine Healing & Empowerment for 35 years. She is an ancient soul that holds wisdom from many lifetimes, devoted to love, vision holder, a modern mystic, healer, Mother, and passion for plant-based living and living a healthy lifestyle.

She is an OSHO Sannyasin, since 1992 and lived in his Ashram, a spiritual community, in Pune India for a decade from early 90’ties, where she practiced daily meditations, attended deep healing work and completed different therapy trainings.

“Lake of Consciousness”
Life brings us many initiations into truth where we get to see a deeper reality of who we are.  Shredding layers of unconsciousness and touching new and more expanded levels of consciousness, she embarked on a new journey in life, her spiritual path.
“Lake of Consciousness” is the translation of the spiritual name that was given to her in the community, and became a guiding light on her Souls journey.

She has been fortunate to work with many beautiful beings and support them in their personal and spiritual growth through her massage, energy healing work and clairvoyant guidance. As well as creating a meditation academy in Oslo, Norway.

From a young age she started to wonder about life, and had a feeling that she did not really fit into the social system. Growing up understanding that society and the common world she was living in did not suite her. She started searching for a new one…

Life itself is an initiation on this timeless path of our soul –

She was initiated into motherhood early in life and embarked on this path alone. This started a deep and profound healing journey and awakening into the feminine energy. She has a pure loving heart with prayers for every women on this planet to find their ways to heal their womb wounds and our collective heritage. She is truly grateful for the healing support she has found in the Tantric & spiritual traditions, meditation, daily practice, music & dancing, nature, yoga, sisterhood and community life.

With her life partner, husband and beloved, they hold a dream, to co-create a healing and retreat center for spirituality and conscious healthy living, love and transformation.
We moved from Norway and are now living in Andalucia, Southern Spain and are happy to share that we finally have found our sacred place to build a new future. A vision we have been holding deep in our hearts and moving towards step by step for the past few years. Now is the time to re-imagine a new world. How can we bring back the sacred divine into our modern, daily and mundane life?

Through illuminating our Hearts, returning to wholeness, and bringing love into all aspects of our Being. This is our work. Co-creating with the divine a new reality for our self where the sacredness of our Heart finds its way into our daily life and into all our relationships to permeate all that we are and all that we do. Moment to moment. Raising our vibrations. The Love frequency is the vibration of beauty and the energy of joy. This is our new Earth. The new way of living. The new diving human being.

“Lake of Consciousness” is dedicated to the rise of the New Earth Golden Age, the Union of the Feminine and Masculine, with prayer for humanity to wake up to the Multidimensional Conscious Divine Beings that we are. To support each other on the path of life, inspire, co-create, love, and share ancient & infinite wisdom.

May all beings find Peace in their Hearts.

With Gratitude & Love
Ma Evina


Consciousness is like a lake: with waves it becomes the mind, without the waves it becomes the soul. The difference is only of turmoil. Mind is a soul disturbed, and soul is mind silenced. The mind is just the ill state of affairs. Mind is not something separate from the soul, as waves are not separate from the lake. The lake can be without waves, but the waves cannot be without the lake. The soul can be without the mind, but the mind cannot be without the soul.